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Clearing the Way for Clean Drains

Drain problems at home are an inconvenience and sometimes can cause more problems than just a backed-up sink. AS Plumbing and Mechanical offers drain services in Upland, Claremont, and the surrounding communities in California with same-day service for those issues that can’t wait. For three generations, our family-owned business has taken pride in ensuring household drains flow freely and function properly. If you have a clogged or damaged drain, contact us today for help.

man unclogging drain

Professional Drain Services for Your Home

Our comprehensive drain services address everything from common clogs to complex pipe issues, ensuring we can handle any job, no matter how large or small. We mean it. Not everyone is comfortable tackling drainage issues, and you should never feel that your situation isn’t worth a call to licensed and insured plumbers like us. We promise to correct your issue, and all our work is backed by a one-year warranty.

Plumber Repairing Sink Pipe Leakage

Drain Repair and Maintenance Services

Drain pipes will provide years of reliable service to carry wastewater out of the home. However, corrosion, wear, or debris buildup can weaken pipe joints at their connections over time. These situations can lead to leaks, cracks, or broken pipes. You might have a drain leak if you notice water underneath your sink or water stains on a ceiling below a bathroom or kitchen. We can quickly and accurately locate the issue and provide drain repairs and part replacements to stop leaks.

Contact Us for Drain Services Today

AS Plumbing and Mechanical has team members available 24/7 to answer your call for drain services in Upland and Claremont, CA and the surrounding area. Our family-owned business is proud to be a part of three generations of plumbers committed to delivering trusted services to homeowners in our community. Contact us today for a quick response to drain problems.

Schedule a Service With AS Plumbing and Mechanical Today