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We Service Residential Water Lines in the Upland, CA Area

AS Plumbing and Mechanical is your knowledgeable and skilled partner in maintaining a functional and efficient water line for your home in Upland and Claremont, CA and the surrounding communities. We offer comprehensive water line services tailored to meet the unique needs of residential properties with honest recommendations, transparent pricing, and a combined 80 years of experience from our family-owned business. Need assistance with a residential water line? Give us a call today.

Long blue plastic sewer pipes on road

What Is the Property Owner’s Responsibility?

Main water lines supply your home with on-demand access from a source like the municipal water system. The main line from the supply in the street that connects to the pipes inside your home is the property owner’s responsibility and shouldn’t be neglected when considering plumbing maintenance. Red flags, such as low water pressure, high water bills without any indoor leaks, or puddles in your yard, could be signs you have a leak or break in the main water line.

Precision Inspection and Leak Detection

Our experienced technicians utilize state-of-the-art technology to conduct thorough inspections of your water lines. We specialize in detecting leaks and blockages with precision to avoid future complications and ensure the integrity of your plumbing system.

Minimally Invasive Repairs

Whether dealing with leaks, corrosion, or wear-and-tear, we offer various repair methods that minimize the effect on your property. We provide cost-effective, minimally invasive solutions to restore your water line and reduce disruptions to your schedule.

Reliable Water Line Installation or Replacement

We install water lines for new construction projects, and when repairs are no longer viable for existing homeowners, we offer complete water line replacement services. Our team ensures the long-term reliability of your water system with high-quality materials and expert craftsmanship. We always provide free estimates for our customers.

Emergency Services Available 24/7

Emergencies wait for no one, which is why our emergency water line repair services are available 24/7. Get peace of mind knowing our responsive team is ready to tackle sudden issues any time of the day or night. You, the customer, are our top priority.

Labor Warranties Come With All Our Work

Why choose AS Plumbing and Mechanical for water line services in the Upland and Claremont, CA areas? We back all our labor with a one-year warranty and use products from the leading manufacturers in the plumbing industry. Our family-owned business comes from three generations of plumbers, providing us with the expertise and experience to handle jobs of all sizes while treating every customer like a part of our family. Contact us today for water line services in your home.

Schedule a Service With AS Plumbing and Mechanical Today